According the Webster Dictionary, a receipt is the action of receiving something or the fact of its being received. Simply put, it’s a confirmation that a transaction has cleared, you now have full ownership.
When you walk into a store and see something you desire greatly and get to hear the register clear your purchase, you are ecstatic. It’s a great feeling to know that “it” is in your possession. In today’s society, online shopping is just as satisfying for all the cardholders. We live in that one click away generation. We anticipating the “promise” to be delivered and constantly check for its arrival. He thought we were worth dying for (Romans 5:8)
Imagine how Christ feels when He looks at you. You are his prized possession. We are purchased by his blood. You are the apple of his eye and He is so mindful of you. Every aspect of your life belongs to him and He is concerned about. Why? He paid a full price for us. He gave everything to give us everything and it was all done in love. We are his great desire. When he looks at the earth its like shopping…looking for someone to love. What new soul can I attain. Whose life can I enhance? We are the promise that He spoke. He patiently waits for our arrival in the earth realm and rejoices along with the angels when we finally choose him and make an arrival in the spirit. He is so patient and loving. He doesn’t have to track us; he knows eventually because were on His schedule that we will come around. What a wonderful Savior.

Our debts are paid in FULL
When you look at the aspect of shopping its basically an EXCHANGE. It’s a trade not a one-sided deal. Salvation is a life for life. Relationship with Christ is our heart and obedience for his heart towards us. We get a good deal too, included is His hand, his mind, blessings, favor, grace mercy and the list can go on infinitely. I implore you to give Him your all; you can’t wrong or loose out. There is no false advertising with Jesus, there is no disappointment, no regrets He gets amazing reviews all around because He truly delivers. Not only are we His prized possession but when we’re fully His, we become the RECIPT. We are the living, breathing proof of his transaction on the cross. How fulfilling that must be when we live for Him and love Him completely.